Book Reviews

The Two Towers (The lord of the rings #2) – J.R.R. Tolkien

Hi! Here’s a short review of The two towers by J.R.R Tolkien. Well, it’s more me writing about my favorite parts in this particular book. It will involve SPOILERS. I definitely loved this book more than the first one. I think it’s because you come back right into the action. There’s drama from the start of the book and it’s not just story/world-building. Although I do miss the shire but that’s probably because i want to live there…

Legolas and Gimli’s relationship is everything. When they during the battle counted the number of orcs they each killed was hilarious. Just how their relationship builds in this entire story. They let go of previous judgements of dwarfs/elves and become friends. They’re making plans for the future and I love that.

Okay, I loved that Pippin and Merry got kidnapped by orcs because it led them to Treebeard. Or Fangorn, whatever you want to call him. I really enjoyed his stories and the power in his voice. I felt how wise his mind was when he was speaking which made me trust him from the moment he showed up. When all the ents came together and destroyed Isengard I could feel the power of them finally together and fighting back. So glad we got introduced to these wonderful creatures.

Also I kind of fell in love with Gollum. Well, I fell in love with his character because he is so complex. He is constantly fighting with his inner voices and you don’t really know who’s going to win. Even though you know he is evil, he really is not. All the bad choices he made was not made by him, or the real him anyways. It was really interesting to see the battle in his mind because it feels like every step he took was part of that battle and different sides came out victorious. He was a being who had simple lived too long and been alone for the most part of it (and obssessed with a ring).

This was some of my favorite parts of the book. Now I am ready to dive into the third one to read how the finale battle will end. I will also have to rewatch the second movie, because honestly I don’t remember it that well and I want to see what parts are actually in it. Have you read the Two towers and in that case, what did you think of it?

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