Book Reviews

The Princess Saves Herself in This One – Amanda Lovelace

Hi! Today I come to you with another review. I recently finished The Princess saves herself in this one by Amanda Lovelace. With full disclosure I have not read a lot of poetry books, but I really want to. Here are just a few of my opinions on the book and if you’re read it I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Lovelace communicates with the design of text in a really interesting way. One example is when she left the page completely empty excepts for leaving the word “silence…”. And sometimes she designed the words the way the words feel (if you understand what I mean…). She designs her words in a way that makes you take a breath at the exact right moment and you get to really take in the words. It gives you room to think when leaving pages almost completely empty and maybe so you could relate to your own experiences. Although sometimes she took the design a little bit to far. For example Lovelace made a heart with some words and it confused me because I didn’t understand how to read it. I may have overanalyzed the design a bit, but I am studying information design with focus on text so I couldn’t help it, haha.

The book were build so that the poems made up a storyline. You got to follow a person grow up and finding themselves, or maybe you could call it putting the pieces of a puzzle together to understand why you are the way you are. It was very nicely put together, it almost felt like reading an “ordinary” fiction book in terms of storyline.

As you always do with poetry I liked some poems more than others. There are poems that stuck with me and that I could relate to. Some poems I did not agree with though, it was not that they weren’t good it’s just I don’t view the subject the same way as the author does. But that’s what is interesting. You can get so many new perspective by reading, even though you don’t agree with them all it makes your mind a bit wider. But with that said I did underline a lot and marked multiple pages in this book. It’s absolutely worth reading and made me even more excited about poetry.

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